The Language of Opalite

The Language of Opalite

Cruz Opalite Cross Necklace

When I think of gifts to buy I always say first, what do I see that person wearing? 
Expecially when it comes to jewelry. If you've seen your bestie or girlfriend wearing 
minimal jewelry then definitely get her a minimal piece. Studs, tiny charm 
necklace like something like our Cruz Opalite Cross Necklace. But if your friend 
wears big hoops or statement pieces then Go Big!

If you want to give something more meaning like I love to do, then look for a story 
behind the design. Shop designs that speak to you in color, symbolism, shapes, and style. 
This Opalite Cruz (Cross) spoke to me because my Grandmother's birthstone 
was an opal and she loved her Opals and I went a little bit deeper and named it after 
my Great-Grandmother "Cruz" total hardcore Mexican Name right? 

But I was once told by a healer that she is my Spirit Guide! It'a a long story but I went to t
his amazing Angel Guided workshop, one of the best healing experiences EVER! 
It was during the workshops of meditation that was literally out of this world, and that's 
how I discovered she was my Spirit Guide. For those who know me, 
I'm very spiritual and listen to these kinds of experiences. 
I'm leaving out alot details but feel free to comment below to get the 
whole story. I'll be more than happy to share my outer body experience with you.

Over the years, I keep saying I'm goind to start creating Healing Gem Blogs 
and so I AM starting today with creating this Opalite Cruz Necklace 
and why its such a special stone to me:

Cresent Moon Tray from
( I don't know if they have it anymore but still cool)

Opalite is ideal for Meditation. It is a stone that is known for enhancing your energy levels 
and considered highly energetic. It is said to improve your spiritual communication. 
(Insert my opinion) that makes sense because if its a stone that aids in meditation, 
and you actually start meditating at least 5 minutes a day I would hope your 
Inner Chola gets more spiritual #imjustsaying :)

Next Opalite removes blocked energy, which I can testify is very painful! I've had it
 happen to me and now I got to drink like 8 ounces of water, eat green foods 
that aid inflammation! So you know I am wearing the shit out of this 
Opalite necklace! Like Kevin Hart says "You better learn today"!

And last but not least, Opalite helps you when your going thru a transition and 
aids success in Business! Now I don't know about you, but I know Business takes 
patience (18yrs) and lots of work! So if you meditate, clear whats blocking you and do the
 spiritual work how can you not be a more successful you? Write down whats bothering you, 
then let it go or like we Cholas like to do "burn that papel" and then like the spiritual 
gangsta that you are meditate for 5 mins, clear your mind out and move on. 
Channel that channel to something that makes you smile!

My Opalite 

Affirmation of for the Day!

Stay Energic! 

Peace, Lisa


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