How to Chola Boss Your Root Chakra!

How to Chola Boss 

Your Root Chakra 

Red Fashion Trend 2017
Photo Credit: Pam Hetlinger 

The Inspiration behind this Blog is the Root Chakra! As I look for Jewelry Inspiration sometimes I stumble across things I need for personal care and growth! And I thought what if there's other women out there like me that are on the same wave length. Hustling, Business Women, Single Mom's, Young Latinas who are looking to find themselves...and I then it came to me, Gurrllll, You need to work on your Root Chakra! The place where we get our grounding from, how you stay Firme! 

It stems from our roots, our beliefs, affliations (aka homegirls) or what we surround ourselves with. It comes from what your telling your self on the daily! So this blog is all about strengthen yours roots, your belief in yourself, and how to start working on it everyday to empower yourself to be a better you! Wear Red in your style of clothing, jewelry, and say empowering words to yourself! You can simply transform your inner Chola just by wearing the color of the Root Chakra, RED! I thought to myself, I'm straight, I wear my Selena Mac Lipstick on the daily! And Red that's my Jam! I need this Red Fashion Trend asap that homegirl, Pam Hetlinger (love her style) is rocking! She had me at her Red Stilo! 

Wear Selena Mac Lipstick in Como La Flor
for strengthen your Root Chakra!

 So before I get ahead of myself and share my thoughts with you on How to Chola Boss Your Root Chakra, I should give you a little background on myself. I was born and raised in South Central, L.A. So My Jewelry is a reflection of my cultural background and urban surroundings. I dediced to create a Chola Boss Colleciton, to reflect my urban style and having a Boss Like mindset. My Tia was not happy about it, but I said this is exactly why it needs to exist! We all have either a friends, family or even ourselves who grew up with this look. I remember this style, big hoops, red lipstick and it was always frowned upon or given a negative response. Chola style was a style to look hard, sharp but classy, a way to protect yourself to not be messed with and I don't think these are bad things, but more importantly it was about having confidence in yourself. My Chola Boss style came from a place of wanting to be strong and beautiful at the same time! Creating a look that Latinas could be proud of and turn this style into something powerful and beautiful.

Selena Gomez Chola Style

 There is so much Cultural Appropriation going on that I thought to empower ourselves, its important to take back our style with my jewelry, quotes, and urban designs. You can be beautiful, but don't get it twisted, I believe everyone has an Inner Chola in them that can come out and be assertive and take care of business! And that Ladies, is what a Chola Boss is all about!

So to continue to be Strong, you need to do the work on your Inner Self!
Lets get to it: How to Chola Boss Your Root Chakra:

These are basic things you can do for yourself in your own way to get back to centering your spirit!
To help strengthen your Root Chakra, do any of the following listed below:

1. Wear RED 

2. Walk in Nature

3. Wear Red Jasper, Hematite, or Smokey Quartz

3. Eat Some Sweet Potato & Radishes (Taco Tuesday)

4. Do some Grounding Yoga, or just Squat:) lol

5. BREATHE 3 X 3


All of these steps will help you to feel more secure and balanced. It will hopefully relieve some stress! Just breathing will do it. It says three times, but I say breathe 6 times and on the last breathe, push that breathe out like your having a baby and release all that negative energy! I'm just saying!

Strengthening yourself is so important and something I'm learning I need myself. So I'm going to begin saying these affirmations everyday: I AM STRONG, I AM POWERFUL, I AM ROOTED! To get my spirit aligned with my Root Chakra! I'm also going to be working on designing with Red Jasper too! 

In the Root Chakra, focus on phrases like: I AM STRONG, when we say these words to ourselves we create that energy within our spirit. I truly believe in the power of words, think about it when you speak to someone one, give them a compliment, say some gangsta lyrics like "I make money moves" and you will find your Inner Chola, Trust yourself. At least that's what I'm telling myself! My intention for today was to write this post. It's like the spirit told me, sit down and write these words to bring meaning to yourself, your purpose and to help others too! What I AM is more than just a Jewelry Designer, I AM A Divine Being, more magnificient than I can imagine! And so are YOU!


Stay Firme! 

XX, Lisa 

(aka La Dollface)


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