Con Todo El Corazon Vision Board Workshop

Con Todo El Corazon

Con Todo El Corazon Vision Board Workshop

Hosted by: 
Lisa Rocha Designer of ilaments Jewelry
Silvia Sanchez of Mas Masa
Noelle Reyes of Mi Vida Boutique

Every year after New Year's I start to think what I want to manifest in my life! 
2018 is a whole new year to create a vision of your needs, wants and goals! 
My friend Silvia, creator of Abuela's Kitchen
Came up with the idea to create a Vision Board Workshop!

We decided to go with the idea from her new T-shirt 
"Con Todo El Corazon"

Shop from her Etsy Mas Masa site! 

This Con Todo El Corazon is the inspired work behind our Vision Board Workshop! 
We want to inspire others like we do each other to reach for your
goals! But we both known our own businesses came from Visions we had! 
Visions that we drew up, wrote down, visually saw in our minds but we both agree 
that they didn'thappen until we wrote them down and put some inspired action to them!

The main thing we want you to walk away with is that if you really
want something in life you got to feel it Con Todo El Corazon!

So this will be our 1st Workshop 
Hosted By:  
Mi Vida Boutique 
5159 York Blvd
 Highland Park, CA

Limited Space is Available!
$25 Per Person!

All Materials will be provided 
to Create your Vision Board!

RSVP to Noelle 

Light Refreshments will be provided and since
we all make really cool stuff, we're going to 
have a few raffles throughout the Workshop!

If you have any questions, or would like us to Host 
a Vision Board Workshop in your area!
Send an email to Lisa:

Let's get Creative with our Lives! 


Chicana in the City


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