The Hustle is Sexy, But Self Awareness is Sexier!

My Monday Motivational Post is coming from my "Hustler" Point of View! As an Entrepreneurial spirit, I'm always grinding! If it's not on a new collection, new event, planning going somewhere to improve some how or another-it's still constantly business oriented!
The picture above is from a few months back in March, where I found myself late again to the infamous We All Grow Conference in Long Beach! And even though being late is bad for business, on this day it was awesome!
I'll tell you why! Because I had to find a ride to my awesomely planned Long Beach Field Trip, beginning at the Molaa Museum! Yet I needed a ride! And of course my first thought was Uber, but then I said the hotel has got to have a shuttle! Well there was no shuttle to the Molaa, but they did have a car service! Whooo, who! I had no idea the car service was a Limo Ride!!
I said, Oh M to the Limo Ride for $5!! $5 make you Holla!! So I got to the Molaa in style! But back to my post! It was right then and there that I realized, hey this is me and my life experience and had I not been late this experience wouldn't have happened!
Becoming Self-Aware of where you are at takes reflection! Everyday to look at what happened, what is happening now & where you are wanting to be! It will not happen in a day or month, maybe even a year! But I promise if you take a least 10 mins of your day to meditate on your Crown Chakra & send yourself lots of Lavendar Amethyst Healing love to your Pineal Gland to be specific, you'll find yourself and what matters most to you!
I decided today to Blog because I need it, I've missed it and it really is apart of who I Am. I love to write and so I need to do more of what I love!
ˈˌself əˈwernəs/
- conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires."the process can be painful but it leads to greater self-awareness"!Now I'm completely aware being late was super painful & created a little anxiety! But when your on the Hustle you just keep it pushing!And when your Dreams are calling you the most important thing to think of first is what your "inner" self needs! And I always come back to being "me"! That's what makes my "jewelry" what it is! It's not the materials, but how you put it together that creates the idea and the project! If you don't know yourself, you won't know where your going!
And I feel like this post is coming from over 20 Blog post that are hiding in my iPhone! Many of you may only know me as a Jewelry Designer, but I'm so much more than that! I just came back from San Antonio, Texas! I love to travel and I got the opportunity to setup at Casa Margarita! I'll write about that later, but I realized this is me! I love to travel and got to spend time with family while I was there too!I'm a Single Mom, An Awesome Girlfriend, a Daughter, A Big Sister, The oldest of 21 Grand Children & a Social Entrepreneur! I've cultivated a lot of Art & Business Relationships over my 18 yrs in Business & San Antonio is much apart of me as Los Angeles is! I'm about to go on a Life Adventure & with over 100 Families in Oaxaca to bring their Artwork to the U.S. Another Blog post to come soon!It's all about connecting and knowing your strengths & weaknesses! I love connect people with the Arts, Culture, History! And even though I've never been to Oaxaca, my family ancestors &!Grandfather Guadalupe was born in Mitla! So I can't tell you how excited I am to grow myself more in learning about my culture! It's what makes your spirit expand & knowing more of who you are in this journey we call life is what it is all about! It's not only about creating, but about giving back!So I guess this post is giving you a little more self awareness of who I Am as a Designer & what I'm working on next! And it's going in the Direction of Brand Management & also being able to get inspired as a Designer!I'll be taking up some Google Workshops to help me get more exposure for business and hopefully to help other businesses who don't have access to going to the Google Headquarters like I did the other night! It was great to get hands on info into growing your business & what Google has to offer Multi Cultural & Latina Based Businesses!Here are some of My Latina Entrepreneurial Spirits, some whom I've known for years & joined me at Google!On the right I have the Owner of Mars Studio Hair (who is a Dama de Lincoln Motor Co. like myself), next to her is Artist Anna Alvarado, then Ana Guajardo from Cha Cha Covers & on the Left Marla Verdugo -Fashion Blogger/ Stylist whose Creating For the Love of Lola & Newly met Latina Business Owners too! So stay tuned for more blogs to follow on this subject!Of course I had to take a #selfie at #google just to keep it real! And to document my moment at the Google Headquarters! I feel like I look like I'm in outer space! A Tech space that is!But if you could take away one thing, always be yourself! Be aware of what you want to do and do it with passion everyday!Xoxo,Chicana in the City
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